Tag: quote

  • Wisdom is …

    satu quote yang saya suka saat ini, terutama berkaitan dengan keriuhan suasana politik indonesia menjelang pilpres 2019. wisdom is breadth. the essence of wisdom is not having a narrow view. its a broad framing. most human is narrow and noisy thinkers semoga quote diatas bisa dimaknai oleh bangsa kita, semoga semuanya mencapai tingkat bijak yang…

  • less money is more happy

    having lots of money makes you wonder how to manage and spend your money, worry whether your money is safe or maybe someone can steal your money?. having lots of money makes you increase your living standard, and you cant living like the old time anymore. having lots of car, makes you worried what you…

  • qoute #1

    “we teach pupils by not giving them everything, by let them think …” (nov 2014)